T. +61 3 8600 1728
M. +61 422 374 215
Level 25, 200 Queen Street, Melbourne
Clerk: List D
Devers List
T. 9225 7999
Meg's principal areas of practice comprise commercial, common law, property, equity & trusts, insurance law and torts.
Meg has a busy trial and advice practice. She appears in all state and federal courts and tribunals.
Meg accepts direct briefs (including from in-house counsel).
Meg is the Vice President of the Commercial Bar Association. She is a former member of the Bar’s Pro-Bono Committee; the Victorian Bar Council; the Audit, Finance and Risk Committee of the Victorian Bar; and the Counsel Committee of the Victorian Bar.
Prior to being called to the Bar, Meg was a solicitor at Mallesons Stephen Jaques (now King & Wood Mallesons). Meg has an honours degree in Philosophy. At University, she was an accomplished mooter and debater and won the World University Debating Championships.
Click here to download a copy of Meg’s CV.
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