LLB (Monash)
James D McKay
T. +61 3 8600 1776
M. +61 400 950 002
Level 26, 200 Queen Street, Melbourne
Clerk: List B
Green’s List
T. 9225 7222
Areas of practice
Administrative Law Banking and Finance Caveats Company and Shareholder Disputes Contractual Disputes Easements and Restrictive Covenants Equity and Trusts Guarantees and Securities Insolvency Leases Misleading Conduct and Trade Practices Mortgages Owners Corporations Partnerships and Joint Ventures Professional Negligence Sale of Land
James specialises in commercial and property litigation. He appears in the following matters:
- Contractual Disputes
- Trusts and Equity
- Banking and Finance
- Misleading Conduct and Trade Practices
- Leases
- Sale of Land
- Mortgages, Guarantees and Securities
- Caveats
- Company and Shareholder Disputes
- Easements and Restrictive Covenants
- Owners Corporations
- Professional Negligence (esp Accountants and Solicitors)
- Partnerships and Joint Ventures
- Insolvency
- Insurance
- Administrative Law
He was a consultant author of CCH’s Victorian Conveyancing Law and practice from 2013 to 2017.
James has also appeared in dozens of other unpublished matters including trials, complex interlocutory applications, and injunctions.
A list of James’ cases published in AustLII database is set out below.
- Re Eball Games Pty Ltd (In liq)
- Course v Hannan [2018] VSC 401
- Deputy Commissioner of Taxation (Cth) v Bourke [2018] VSC 380
- Dai v Liu [2018] VSC 189
- Deputy Commissioner of Taxation (Cth) v Bourke [2018] VSC 113
- TL Rentals Pty Ltd v Youth on Call Pty Ltd [2018] VSC 105
- Dorash v Lindemann [2018] VCC 446
- Pin Oak Holdings Pty Ltd v Risi Pty Ltd [2017] VSCA 317
- Primrose Meadows Pty Ltd v River View Pty Ltd [2017] VSC 487
- Auromstone Pty Ltd v Yarra Bank Developments Pty Ltd [2017] VSC 503
- Re Smagala; Cicmilovic v Renwick [2017] VSC 498
- Casa Di Iorio Investments Pty Ltd v Guirguis [2017] VSC 266
- Tajon Pty Ltd v Arvanitis [2017] VSC 130
- McHutchison v Asli [2017] VSC 258
- Koay Eng Hooi v Lim [2017] VCC 949
- Matthews v Knight 2017] VCC 1537
- Gurupatham v Lim [2017] VCC 948
- Owners Corporation PS407621Y v Grundl [2017] VCAT 1550
- Risi Pty Ltd v Pin Oak Holdings Pty Ltd [2017] VCAT 95
J Enterprises Pty Ltd v The Common Property Group Pty Ltd [2017] VCAT 852 - Pin Oak Holdings Pty Ltd v Risi Pty Ltd [2016] VSC 773
- Hycenko v Hrycenko & Hrycenko [2016] VSC 247
- Hycenko v Hrycenko & Anor [2016] VSC 112
- Ampron Australia Pty Ltd v Quan Yang Investments Pty Ltd [2016] VCC 1138
- Guirguis v Casa Di Iorio Investments Pty Ltd v Guirguis [2016] VCAT 2209
- Wells v Hodges Property Pty Ltd [2016] VCAT 1524
- Trakas v Aravopoulos [2016] VCAT 592
- Elali v Business Licensing Authority [2016] VCAT 18
- Architecture HQ Pty Ltd v Propertylinc Pty Ltd [2015] FCA 686
- Scrohn Pty Ltd v Newearth Constructions Pty Ltd [2015] VSC 254
- Braham v Stephan & Anor [2015] VSC 87
- Braham v Stephan & Anor (No. 2) [2015] VSC 87
- Weerasinghe & Anor v Jamaly & Ors [2015] VSC 45
- Connolly Environmental Pty Ltd v Foscari Holdings Pty Ltd [2015] VCC 1430
- Bakha Enterprises Pty Ltd v Smith [2015] VCC 350
- Joveski v Melbourne Development Group (Aust) Pty Ltd [2015] VCAT 2020
- Keriani Pty Ltd v Long [2015] VCAT 1212
- Jin Dun Pty Ltd v Di & Li Australia Pty Ltd [2014] VSC 562
- Paul & Paul Pty Ltd v Shacklock [2014] VSC 407
- Longmuir v Konstantopoulos [2014] FCCA 162
- Birch v Robek Pty Ltd [2014] VCC 68
- Fari Isai v The Registrar of Titles & Ors [2014] VCC 325
- Newearth Constructions Pty Ltd v Scrohn Pty Ltd [2014] VCC 1735
- Ferla (trading as PPF Partners) v Judd [2014] VCAT 1594
- Toorak Eagle Pty Ltd v Owners Corporation No 1 RP16950 [2014] VCAT 957
- Wang v Orion Holdings Australia Pty Ltd [2014] VCAT 812
- Di & Li Australia Pty Ltd v Jin Dun Pty Ltd [2014] VCAT 349
- Ingram v McLennan & Associates Pty Ltd [2014] VCAT 412
- Ingram v McLennan & Associates Pty Ltd [2014] VCAT 133
- Cheok v Papanastassis [2013] VSC 241
- Societe Commerciale Internationale SARL Pty Ltd v Owners Corp No 448 740J [2013] VCAT 1631
- Hopkins v Hopkins & Anor [2013] VCAT 414
- McMahon v Owners Corporation PS17539 [2013] VCAT 2042
- Owners Corporation PS 10693 v Realty Managers Pty Ltd [2013] VCAT 103
- Commonwealth Bank of Australia v Stellini & Ors [2012] VCC 41
- Societe Commerciale S.A.R.L. Pty Ltd v Owners Corp. No 448740J [2012] VCAT 632
- Cameron & Ors v Surf Coast SC [2012] VCAT 897
- Surf Coast Shire Council v Cameron & Ors [2011] VSC 604
- Vellas Home Builders Pty Ltd v Ahmed [2011] VCAT 728
- Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria v Betta Housing Pty Ltd & Ors [2011] VSC 369
- Mani v Burness [2010] FCA 1132
- Transcrete Aust Pty Ltd v Mani & Anor [2010] FMCA 434